Here’s the outline for a journal paper presentation and discussion. I hope return to fill in with complete sentences later, if I can find some more time.
Concrete Problems in AI Safety
- Avoiding Negative Side Effects
- Avoiding Reward Hacking
- Scalable Oversight
- Safe Exploration
- Robustness to Distributional Change
AI Safety Gridworlds
- Response to paper Concrete Problems in AI Safety
- Test suite of benchmarks shared environments
- Open on GitHub like ImageNet, Atari Learning
- Reinforcement learning agents from DeepMind
- Max 10x10 gridworld A = {left/right/up/down}
- Complex interesting but simple tractable
- Reward function R vs a hidden Safety Performance function P
Specification Problem Environments
When reward functions & safety performance not aligned.
- Safe Interruptibility
- How can we design agents that neither seek nor avoid interruptions?
- Off-Switch Environment
- Avoiding Side Effects
- How can we get agents to minimize effects unrelated to their main objectives, especially those that are irreversible or difficult to reverse?
- Irreversible Side Effects Environment
- Absent Supervisor
- How we can make sure an agent does not behave differently depending on the presence or absence of a supervisor?
- Absent Supervisor Environment
- Reward Gaming
- How can we build agents that do not try to introduce or exploit errors in the reward function in order to get more reward?
- Boat Race & Tomato Watering Environment
Robustness Problem Environments
When reward & safety function agree, but problems still arise
- Self-modification
- How can we design agents that behave well in environments that allow self-modification?
- Whisky & Gold Environment
- Distributional shift
- How do we ensure that an agent behaves robustly when its test environment differs from the training environment?
- Lava World Environment
- Robustness to Adversaries
- How does an agent detect and adapt to friendly and adversarial intentions present in the environment?
- Friend or Foe Environment
- Safe exploration
- How can we build agents that respect the safety constraints not only during normal operation, but also during the initial learning period?
- Island Navigation Environment
Conclusions & Discussion
- Solutions to environments
- Unfair specification problems
- Robustness as a subgoal
- Reward learning & specification
- Outlook: test suite, 3D with physics, diverse, realistic
- Parenting analogies