I was recently asked to work on the Stampy project, an FAQ about AGI Safety & Alignment. But what do stamps have to do with this? And what’s alignment about? I’ll let Rob Miles explain his vision behind stampy.ai.
In any case, I was thrilled to work on something related to AI. Coincidentally, I just took a detour into reading quite a bit about AGI Safety and Alignment lately. To start, I was given the Excalidraw sketch below with all the features and the general idea of what they wanted for their website.
It’s been quite some time since I did any UI/UX work, so I’m rather rusty. However, I had the fundamentals & intuition from years of conducting user research studies and designing interactions in my previous life. Just from casually keeping tabs on trends, I knew that Figma was now a market leader for rapid prototyping, so I first went through their “Getting Started with Figma” playlist of tutorials, which were actually very well done. Soon, I felt comfortable enough to put together this Figma design, wireframe, then prototype the basic interactions.
The existing logo was much beloved within the community. However, I wanted to clean it up a bit, to hopefully simplify things for later marketing and animation purposes. There were a few key elements they wanted retained: the backdrop for the face is the valuable inverted Jenny stamp and the eyes of the friendly Microsoft Clippy office assistant, with a nod to the paperclip maximizing conundrum presented in Nick Bostrom’s Superintelligence. The new logo (left) is mostly a modernized rendition of the original (right) but has more geometric shapes for whimsy and softer, gentler eyes.
redesigned logo | original logo |
Overall, I tried to keep the design clean and minimalistic, allowing users to focus on the content. To add a bit of fun, the icons switch from black & white into full color on hover. The banner is decorated with colorful geometric figures which actually form a secret message. Here’s final mockup with the new logo.
Edited to add: We had a soft launch for the alpha version in July. I also wrote about working on their semantic search and identifying duplicate questions. If you’re interested in getting involved with AGI Safety and Alignment or would like to get work on some open source projects, please join our Discord group!
It’s been refreshing to take a little break from all the reading & studying and actually building something. Learning comes in so many shapes!